⭐Net fully heavy alternet embroidered spengle work front body with fully hand work with fancy tulses lace attachment.
⭐Net fully heavy alternet embroidered spengle work back body.
⭐Net fully heavy embroidered spengle work front kali with fully hand work with heavy embroidered daman boarder with fancy tulses attachment.
⭐Net fully heavy embroidered spengle work back with embroidered spengle work daman boarder.
⭐Net fully heavy embroidered spengle work sleeves with heavy embroidered spengle work sleeves boarder.
⭐Net fully heavy embroidered spengle work dupta with cut work with 4 side embroidered frell lace attahment with 2 side tulses attachment.
Fabric detail
Net front & back body &
6 kali frouk front & back
Gherra lenght 58 minimam
Net ready to wear dupta
Dyed silk trozer